
Army radio communications how to encode a message
Army radio communications how to encode a message

army radio communications how to encode a message

This communication can be of advisory and informative nature, and its goal is to prevent and stop violence against children. It should not be reduced to formal forms of parent meetings, especially if the teacher sees a problem in the class. Of course, communication with parents and guardians is not underestimated. Positive attitude toward students, compassion with their problems, kindness and respect in dealing with them, care and understanding - are the only way to more humane social relations. They must truly live in harmony with the ethical messages that instructs children, they must substantiate them with their own behaviour in order to make such messages mark of the overall pedagogical communication in the classroom. The cultivating role of the teachers based on the blank story will not bear fruit. a natural feeling to estimate the sincerity of the person. In that sense, it is important to warn that children have an inborn "lie detector", i.e. Teacher's role is crucial not only in the direction of educational and cultivating activities, but towards the modelling world outlook of their students, shaping lives of young people. * Corresponding author E-mail address: © Siberian Federal University. Despite the fact that many schools organize different social projects or programs to prevent bullying, conflict and aggression among children, we believe that the role of teachers in the process of humanization of relations between students is irreplaceable. First of all, school must be a safe place where students feel comfortable and safe, as figures of respect and values. TheseĪre acquired patterns of behaviour which must be not only corrected but replaced by more humane ways of behaving with the fellow people, at school in particular. So, the phenomenon of bullying among children is not accompanying, nor the momentary phenomenon but the result of direct environmental impact (in the family or immediate neighbourhood). Everyday tragic and disturbing news in mass media supports the thesis that little bullies also apply learned violent forms of aggressive behaviour as mature people. In the aspect of ontogenesis, the violence begins as early as in preschool period, reaches its climax in primary school and decreases in high school. Keywords: communicability, ethical messages pedagogical communication, socialization, nonviolence. Realization of these hypotheses assumes proper methodical weft of a class, a high degree of communication competence of teachers, motivation for students' work, Socratic principle ofproving ethical axioms by arguments, and contemporary contextualization of verbal culture teaching. Using analytical observations, the author shows that the ethical message in pedagogical communication can achieve maximum isomorphism of emphatic and altruistic meanings and thus directly affect the development of social competence of students, and the suppression of peer violence in elementary schools. It focuses on the ethical aspect of communication in the process of interaction between the student and the teacher, that is regarded as a teaching technique.

army radio communications how to encode a message

The paper deals with the problem of socialization of students through verbal communication in language and literature classes. Received, received in revised form, accepted

army radio communications how to encode a message

Moscow State Forest University 1-st Institutskaya street, Mytischi, Moscow region, 141005 Russia 1 Humanities & Social Sciences 3 (2012 5) 568-573Įthical Message in the Function of Encouraging Social Competence of Students in Classes of Language and Literature


It was mastery of radio waves that gave birth to the “wireless telegraphy”, then radio, television and modern forms of telecommunication: radio and TV transmitters, satellite links, GSM mobile networks, etc.Journal of Siberian Federal University. This distribution is intended to ensure an efficient service for each user and avoid interference in transmissions and communications – to avoid the interruption of police or fire brigade communications by someone’s personal walkie-talkie, for example. Within this spectrum, frequency bands are allocated to each use. This is a wide spectrum ranging from tens of kilohertz to 300 gigahertz. While many different types of EMF are used to convey information over distance, the most common are radio waves, also called radiofrequencies. So today, at home, EMFs are present in light bulbs, microwave ovens, cordless phones, induction cookers and, of course, Wi-fi boxes and all devices connected to it. At the end of the 19th century, an understanding of electromagnetism led to the mastery of electricity, which has populated our daily lives with artificial electromagnetic field sources (or EMF).

Army radio communications how to encode a message